The Development of Springwood
This land was previously held for over 25 years by two local service clubs, the Kiwanis Music Club and the Knights of Columbus Mount Pearl who had original intentions to develop youth camps on the site. These organizations have transferred their ownership rights to the crown land leases, with the understanding that vulnerable children, youth and families will benefit though the stewardship of Waypoints and with the building of a therapeutic wilderness camp for youth.
Approximately 100 acres of land secured and preliminary clearing of land completed with the help of volunteers at Waypoints. First excavation begins with heavy equipment building a road to access Southwest Pond and clearing a general area for camp infrastructure. Beach, field, tenting and picnic area created for our young people.
To allow for a more comfortable camping experience, a small building was constructed in 2013 with a full septic system, three washrooms/showers, and storage space. An enclosed trailer onsite houses kayaks, canoes, tents and camping gear.
With the assistance of the local military reserves group and local excavation company, two kilometers of trails and new roads are created weaving through the wilderness setting.
Ground is broken for a new boathouse and craft activities room is completed.
Red Rock Challenge Course is constructed with a zip line, climbing wall and a high ropes course.
A new bunkhouse trailer is delivered to Springwood for accommodations.
With a goal of creating an inclusive site, accessible washrooms added to site.
Construction begins on a new dining hall for Springwood Outdoor Discovery Camp.
Multi-purpose court completed and CFY “Train for Trades” youth and staff complete final touches on dining hall build.
Waypoints opens new solar energy dining hall building to our young people.
Excavation completed on new private campsite area and beach expansion project.
Excavation work completed and the addition of a second bunkhouse trailer will double our capacity for overnight indoor accommodations.
A major investment and milestone has been met with the installation of a new powerline in partnership with NL Power, spanning over a kilometer in range. Our Springwood Outdoor Discovery Camp now has full electricity onsite which will provide great advantages to support our current and future program offerings.